Nutrition and cakes fasting ramadan

This is the story of a Muslim brother Karimah bint Dawoud for fasting in Ramadan
That evening empathizing with those inadequate individuals who have no option at iftar and have to eat what is there, I discovered a few items of Turkish pleasure a brother has given me. I ate one after my iftar meals, if I eat any longer maybe the glucose will keep me conscious and I like to rest before Suhour.

Yeaach..  but these days is a different tale, I had a little modify in my wallet and made the decision to cure myself, ten times into going on a fast and no trash, alhamdulillah. I was going to look for asmiya, even the name is lovely.
Lebanese, center southern, maghrib time pastries are normally created from white-colored flour or semolina, with almonds spices or herbs and dry fruits and veggies, sometimes , especially around Ramadhan time there is the release of the ones with cream like asmiya.

full of refines carbohydrate meals to provide you that fast power hurry but nothing comes near to schedules for the organic glucose great, not even my little asmiya.
Ramadan Cakes

There’s mammool, brief brown crusting area pastries loaded with schedules, sfouf, precious stone reduces of lovely almond dessert,kaak bi haliib , dairy products desserts.

Then there is baklava, my siblings preferred, levels of flaky cure intertwined with pistachio almonds and cinnaminny rosewater syrup, znoud elsit, surrounded comes of flaky cure loaded with perfumed cream and covered in syrup. These desserts are a convenience foodies paradise.

Finally house with my asmiya, after I had consumed my complete of delicious I was too complete to eat any longer, so there she rests in my refrigerator , covered in until aluminum foil in all her frothy wonder, maybe just maybe she will ente5ratin my tastebuds this evening.

In now where individuals are going starving less us keep in mind this hadist In Islamic and Bukhari: “The believer consumes with one abdomen while the kafir consumes with seven bellies.”
Meaning: The believer consumes with the ways of Islam and in control, while the non believer consumes depending on wishes and gluttony and so he consumes with seven bellies.

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