Recipes and how to make Roll Bolu cake

Hello friend Mia, on this occasion I will share the pie dishes Bolu, its name is the Roll Bolu cake. This cake is very tasty and quite easy to make, this cake is widely available and can be purchased in cake shops, but its no good if you try to make your own.
Rolls Bolu Cake
Here is the recipe and how to make  rolls Bolu Cake for serving 10 people
3 Grain Chicken Eggs
8 points of Yellow Egg
100 grams Sugar
25 grams Ovalet
40 grams of milk powder
100 grams of wheat flour
Margarine 125 grams of liquid
Brown meises, to taste

How to make:
1. Beat eggs, sugar, until fluffy and thick ovalet
2. Put milk powder, as he sifted flour little by little and stir
3. Add melted butter and stir (stir behind ya)
4. Pour the batter into the baking pan size box that is 22cm buttered baking sheet and experienced, the oven until cooked cake
5. Remove the cake from the oven, turn cake meal on paper that has sprinkled a little powdered sugar (cake surface that is not free)
6. Basting cake with buttercream, sprinkle meises, rolls, condense, store in the fridge for a while so that the roll be set

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