Recipes Chicken Rice Banana Wrap

For this edition I will share a typical Indonesian cuisine ie chicken rice banana wrap ( Nasi Ayam Bungkus Pisang ). Here is the recipe and how to make chicken rice banana wrap :
Chicken Rice Banana Wrap
  1. 200 grams of rice
  2. 150 grams of minced chicken
  3. 1/2 clove onion leeks,
  4. 1/2 celery and finely chopped,
  5. 5-6 finely chopped bananas, remove the contents
  6. coconut oil for sauteing
Some spices are mashed:
  1. 1/2 tsp coriander
  2. 1/4 teaspoon cumin 
  3. 3 cloves garlic 
  4. 1 tsp salt
How to Make:
  1. Cook the rice with coconut water until half cooked. Remove and set aside.
  2. Saute the spice paste until fragrant and color changes. Add onion and saute again.
  3. Add chicken, green onions and celery. Mix well and stir-fry until half-cooked chicken. Lift.
  4. Prepare the banana peel, the skin content of parboiled rice and chicken that has been fried. Trim the peel and seal with using threads.
  5. Steamed rice wrapped in banana peel is about 30 minutes. Remove and serve while warm.

1 komentar:

Kicky Maulana said...

aduh gak ngerti bahasa linggis.
banana is no smoking

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