Food Recipe steamed Tofu flower sausage

Meet again still in style recipes Indonesia, in this post I will share the recipe and how to make steamed Tofu flower sausage (Tahu kukus kembang sosis).  follow for recipe and how to process
steamed Tofu flower sausage
 4 pcs sausage beef or chicken, to taste
5 pcs tofu
2 eggs chicken
1 pcs carrot diced
3 stalk of green onion
¼ teaspoon pepper
3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
seasonings and salt to taste
 How to make:
1. Mashed tofu until smooth and then add the eggs, scallions, carrots, garlic, salt, and pepper and mix until dough is well mixed.
2. Cut sausage into four sections and was sectioned into four pieces so it looks like an octopus or flower buds.
3. Then prepare putu ayu cake mold inside the oil smeared using input out pre-prepared dough into the mold until full.
4. After that place the sausage that was formed earlier to the top of the filled mold the dough until the dough runs out and steam over medium heat for 25 minutes.

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